What are the Polpur Lapi-T wheels?

Polpur Lapi-T wheels are manufactured in the Czech Republic and have been around for decades upon decades. Over the years they have been refined more and more to the point that they are now one of the best glass finishing wheels on the market.

The wheels are manufactured by a proprietary system that embeds abrasive directly into the wheel. This abrasive allows for quick, clean cutting of the glass with very fine surface results. They are not meant for stock removal of glass, but the Pink and Violet wheels will actually remove a fair amount of glass relatively quickly.

Once you move to the medium grit wheels such as the Orange and Green wheels, you'll really see these wheels shine. They quickly clean up the glass and can move the surface all the way to an optical polish with the cerium impregnated Brown wheel with no slurry and only water. They will not swell or deform with usage and they can be easily reshaped or profiled to fit your specific needs. The abrasive is embedded throughout the wheel so they are a long term use tool.

We have been able to work with Polpur to utilize this material in a number of different ways from the typical flat edged wheels to radiused wheels that match the profile of the Spherical Miracles for easy punty removal, clean-up and polish. We now also offer the Polpur Lapi-T wheels in profiles to match the 4 inch Fantasy engraving wheels in Flat edged, Full Circle and V-wheel profiles to take your engraving to the final polish with minimal effort.

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