My Superlok blade is taking forever to cut through material and blowing out.

The Superlok Glass+ blades from Husqvarna are a fine cut diamond blade that gives you an almost chip free cut on your glass. The tradeoff you have with this type of diamond matrix is that it is a slower cutting blade that will require more frequent dressing than a medium grit or slabbing blade.

Let the blade do the work and don't put any excess pressure on the blade. If you push too much on the blade, when you get towards the end of your cut, you'll notice far more blowout on the end of the cut as this is where the stress on the glass will release from too much pressure against the blade.

You'll also need to dress the Superlok blade more often than most other blades as the diamonds will wear down faster as they are a smaller diamond. Once you adjust your routine to fit this blade, you'll find that it will give you fantastic cuts on your glass.

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